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Deputy General Managers Appointed

We are delighted to announce that George Tunbridge has accepted the role of Deputy General Manager (Operations) at the Club following our recruitment process over the last couple of months.

George will work alongside Nicki Reader who has been promoted from her current role of Accounts Manager to Deputy General Manager (Finance) This reflects the roles and responsibilities Nicki has in undertaking the administration and organisation duties of the Club and deputising when required.

Joining us from his current role of Golf Operations Manager at The Berkshire Golf Club,  George has recently been awarded a CMAE management diploma and has a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management degree from Bournemouth University. A three time club champion across two clubs as well as a current +1 handicap add to the knowledge and love of the game.

We are sure George will be made to feel very welcome by his colleagues and Members of the Club when he joins us on the 24th July.