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Visitor Tee Booking

Book Online

Visitors & Green Fees

If you would like to make a booking, please contact our golf reception team by calling: 01208 863216 – Ext 1, or emailing: [email protected]. Online Bookings can be made two weeks in advance on the Church Course or can be made at least 90 days in advance on the Holywell Course.
Our team look forward to helping you with your enquiry and any other information you may need for your visit to St Enodoc. We look forward to welcoming you to the Club.

Book a Tee Time

2025 bookings can now be made directly with the golf reception team
01208 863216 (option 1)  |  [email protected]

Green Fees

Church Green Fees
Green Fee Type2025

(May – Oct)


(Mar 2025 – Apr 2025 & Nov 2025)

Off Peak

(Nov 2024 – Dec 2024)

(Jan 2025- Feb 2025)

Peak Day Ticket

(Holywell then Church)

Shoulder Day Ticket

(Holywell then Church)

Holywell Green Fees
Green Fee Type2025

(May – Oct)


(Mar 2025 – Apr 2025 & Nov 2025)

Off Peak

(Jan 2025- Feb 2025)

Holywell Day Ticket£50£30
One week Holywell unlimited rounds£200£100
  • The Club reserves the right to move your tee time or ‘pair’ you up with other visiting players.
  • A non-refundable deposit of one player per tee time must be taken to secure the booking.
  • Maximum handicap index restrictions apply on the Church course due to the difficulty of the Course. The Handicap Index limits are: 21.4 Gentlemen, 22.7 Ladies.
  • There are no handicap restrictions on the Holywell course.
  • A one week unlimited rounds ticket on the Church course entitles the holder to play on the Holywell Course.
  • The ‘Day Ticket’ on both courses must be played on the same day.
  • Green fees will be returned only when the course is officially closed.
  • Selected members’ afternoon tee times are released 48 hours in advance to visitors, please call our golf reception team to book.

Societies & Groups

Visitors FAQs

  • Starting Times

    We operate starting tee times on both courses throughout the year. It is advisable to check in around 30 minutes before your tee time because it may not always be possible to fit you in later should you miss it.

  • Buggies

    The Club rents buggies only to players who can provide a medical certificate at £40 a round on the Church Course and £30 on the Holywell Course. It is essential to pre-book a buggy should you require one as supply is limited. Buggies are not available for spectators. 

  • Caddies

    Can be arranged at St Enodoc with prior notice. Please CLICK ON THIS LINK to view our caddy policy.

  • Etiquette and speed of play

    Golfers are reminded to ensure the safety of others on the course. Only hit the ball when it is safe to do so and please remember that walkers on public footpaths have the right of way. Course rangers help to keep play moving along, and please call the following group through if you fall behind.

    As a guide, two-ball games should have completed 6 holes in one hour, four-balls in one hour 20 minutes.

    In the Summer, round time could be around 4.5 hours.

  • Public Footpaths

    There are a number of public footpaths that run through St Enodoc Golf Club. Walkers on the footpath have priority at all times. It is the golfers’ responsibility to make sure it is safe to play their shot.

  • Insurance

    Visitors are reminded to ensure they have adequate personal liability cover as St Enodoc does not provide such cover for visiting players.

  • Dress Regulations

    St Enodoc seeks to provide an experience reflecting excellent standards both on the courses and in the clubhouse. Members and guests are respectfully reminded that we request a standard of dress to reflect those values. To avoid embarrassment please ensure that you and your party are properly attired. If you are unclear about the details of our policy, please ask a staff member for clarification.

    Golf Courses: Ladies and Gentlemen should wear recognised golf attire. Such attire does not include blue denim, beach wear, football or rugby shirts. Please wear proper golf shoes with socks on the courses.

    In the Clubhouse: Smart Casual wear and spikeless golf shoes may be worn in the Reception, Conservatory and Bar Areas – Shoes must be worn in the upstairs Dining Room. Please refrain from wearing any beach attire/flip flops or caps/hats in the clubhouse.

    In the Dining Room: Other than for special functions which may require a jacket and tie, smart casual is again the accepted attire. Please do not wear shorts in the Dining Room.

  • Dogs

    We regret that visitors are not permitted to bring dogs onto the courses.

  • Mobile Telephones

    Please do not make or receive mobile phone calls – except in an emergency.

  • Club Policies
“Absolutely fantastic. Beautiful golf course with exceptionally attentive and helpful staff throughout the club.”
Jack Taylor