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Alfie Chapman in the ESGA National Championships 2024

Alfie Chapman plays in the ESGA National Championships.
Great scoring yet again from Alfie Chapman winning the nett and coming 9th in gross in the field of 26 boys playing in the English School Golf Association National Championships.
Please click below for full results.

Juniors at Woodhall Spa

Great Experience for Alfie, Harry and Matthew in the English Schools Championships at Woodhall Spa.

Well done Alfie (30pts), Harry (28pts) and Matthew (34pts) who tied 14th place out of 26 Teams playing in the finals of the English Schools Championships at Woodhall Spa on Wednesday 10th July.
The best two scores were added together to give them a combined team score of 64pts.
The winning Team were Easton College in Norwich, winning with 77pts, so not that far behind on this fair but tight, tree-lined course.
A  great experience for them all including their proud Dads, Steve Chapman, Ian Jolliff and Paul Warren, all there to support and encourage them, whilst mums, Grandparents, siblings and me, back in Cornwall were waiting for any news of how they were doing!

Our very smart Alfie Chapman, Matthew Warren and Harry Jolliff in their team kit.
Junior Organiser

English School Teams Championships 2024

Good Luck to Alfie, Matthew and Harry who will be playing at Woodhall Spa Tomorrow.
Alfie Chapman, Matthew Warren and  Harry Jolliff all from Bodmin School, made it to the finals of the English Schools Team Championships.
Practice round today (Tues 9th July) and playing early tomorrow morning (Wed 10th July)
Have a great time, enjoy this fantastic experience, whatever the outcome.
We will all be willing you on from here in Cornwall.
Go Boys!!!

St Enodoc Juniors star for Cornwall U-14’s

Cornwall U14s at Erlestoke, Wiltshire
Back row: Oliver Lawrence, Harry Faull, Harrison Gurd, Jack Jolliff, Bobby Godfrey
Front: Ethan Kinski, Rory Hudson, Alfie Chapman

Cornwall U-14’s including three of our upcoming Juniors had an impressive away win over Wiltshire recently. The full report may be seen here

The Buse Shield 2024

Foursomes Stableford 1/2 combined
Well done to Shane and Will Dingle who won the Buse Shield, with a great score of 43pts.

2nd Lee and Quinn Bateman 39pts

3rd  Paul and Matthew Warren 37pts (cb)

With  was some tough competition and most of our Juniors now driving so many of the greens, there were bound to be some high scores!

Thank you to everyone who partnered a Junior to make this competition possible.

Shane and Will Dingle

Lee and Quinn Bateman, Shane and Will Dingle, Matthew and Paul Warren.


St Enodoc Junior wins Surrey U-15 Girls Championship

Holly Justice won the Surrey Girls under 15 title played at Reigate Hill GC in such difficult conditions that it was reduced to 27 holes due to torrential rain. Holly was lucky in that she was playing the 28th hole, before play was halted, and lost her ball only to find it after the 3 minutes were up !

Kernow Cup Team Win May ’24

Kernow Cup Team win 4-1 at Home.

Thursday 30th May on the Holywell Course

Congratulations to this fabulous Young Team, who are very new to competitive golf, let alone Matchplay, 3-4 club freezing cold wind and the rough!

All played in great spirits and all enjoying a sit down meal and chatting about their afternoon and how one player, Leo Facey (St Austell) drove the 17th green!

Well done Everyone.

Sam Hinsley, Alfie Brown, Archie Ball, Eva Newman and Jacob Stone.

The St Austell Team.

Dymond Cup – May ’24

Thank you to all those Ladies of St Enodoc, who gave up their time to partner the Juniors in this very popular competition and as I’d expect, the camaraderie and competitiveness was in full swing. Mars bars for nearest the pin were being played for on the par 3’s by two of our Juniors, Tom and Oban!

Out first, were the two  Captains, Junior Captain Jack Jolliff with  Lady Captain Trudy Tremain playing against Junior Vice Captain Daisy Lane and  Past Captain Kath Biddle. Followed by 4 more groups of 4 all playing foursomes Stableford.

Chris Dymond presented the Cup and prizes to Daisy and Kath who won with 37pts and Jack and Trudy 2nd with 36pts and  Tom Richards and Suzie Willmott were 3rd with 34pts.

Well done to everyone that took part.

Full results can be found by clicking here

Junior Captain Jack Jolliff, Lady Captain Trudy Tremain, Past Captain Kath Biddle, Chris Dymond, Junior Vice Captain Daisy Lane, Tom Richards and Suzie Willmott.

Friendly Away Day for St Enodoc, Trevose and Newquay Juniors at Trevose Golf Club

Well done to everyone that took part on this glorious day over at Trevose. So nice to be able to join up with other Clubs, making new friends, having  fun and encouraging our next generation of young golfers.
Congratulations” to Newquay Juniors who were the winners on the day, beating us by one point!
I have to mention one of our newest and young members Harry Butler,  who played in his first friendly match, on a different course and the most holes he has played.
Also to Isla Hinsley, who had to play on her own and drew the short straw, me as her caddy!

ESGA Cornwall Schools Boys Championships

Cornwall Boys Championships. 17th April at Falmouth GC
Congratulations to Alfie Chapman who came 4th and making one of the top 6, to now go through to the South West Schools Championships end of May.
Alfie also  won the U16’s (year 10 or below)best gross score.
Matthew Warren came 2nd with a nett 68 (96gross)
Well done to all 15 of our St Enodoc Juniors, who took part.
(For all results please click this link below.)

St Enodoc Juniors star for Cornwall U-16’s win vs Devon

First and foremost, we want to thank the Cornwall Golf Union and St Enodoc Golf Club for hosting the event and providing excellent food and hospitality to both Devon and Cornwall players throughout the day. We would also like to thank St Enodoc, Steve Chapman, the Devon County U14 / U16 managers, and everyone who worked together to make this fixture possible at such short notice. And we would finally like to extend our thanks to the Devon players, parents and managers for making the trip to Cornwall, both teams were in great spirits and had a friendly but competitive game together.

As a result of the harsh winter weather, all of our golf courses across the county have suffered greatly. We would like to express our gratitude and understanding to St Austell Golf Club, with whom we had the original fixture, but the adverse weather conditions rendered the venue unplayable.

The weather conditions on match day proved to be of two halves. During the morning foursomes, we had persistent rain and moderate breeze. In the afternoon, the rain had given way to strong winds gusting to around 50 mph. Throughout the day, our county boys demonstrated resilience, strength, and determination in the face of the elements, as did a strong-spirited Devon County team. The course was in good condition and played well.

The foursomes pairings were Tommy and Heath, Tiernan and Joab, Alex and Archie and Jay and Sam.

In the morning foursomes Cornwall started off strong with all but the first group holding the lead on the 4th hole Tiernan and Joab 2up, Alex and Archie 1up, Jay and Sam also 1up. Catching up on the 8th hole Tommy and Heath were struggling to find their swing as they were 4 down, Tiernan and Joab were holding their lead and staying 1up, Alex and Archie was playing confidently and extending their lead to 3up, Jay and Sam the home boys doubling their lead to 2up. Moving on through the round the three leading groups became stronger and finishing the foursomes match with Tiernan and Joab winning on the 17th 3&2, Alex and Archie in control ending their match on the 13th by 7&5, Jay and Sam also with a confident finish on the 14th finishing 5&4, Tommy and Heath were having a real battle and brought the match down to the 17th, where the boys shook hands and the match ended 2&1 in Devon’s favour.

At the lunch break Cornwall held a 3 – 1 lead over our neighbours.

A change of kit was required after the mornings heavy rain and this was followed by lunch kindly put on by the catering team at St Enodoc. Then all were ready for the singles matches in the afternoon. As I was the starter in the afternoon matches, I caught up with the boys on the 6th hole Tommy AS, Tiernan 1up, Joab AS, Heath 2up Alex 1up, Archie 1down, Jay 3up, and Sam was 1down.

Moving on to the 12th the wind was getting stronger, but the boys seemed to embrace the conditions. Tommy 1up, Tiernan 2up, Joab AS, Heath 2up, Alex 2up, Archie 3up, Jay 2up and Sam 1 down, as the matches were coming to a close the conditions started to become really challenging with the winds gusting around 50mph but our boys marched on through the elements finishing with Tommy winning 2up, Tiernan winning 2&1, Joab winning 2&1, Heath winning 1up, Alex winning 3&2, Archie winning 5&4. Jay battled on through narrowly losing out on the 16th 3&2, and the final match with Sam Hanton coming from behind to going AS on the 17th and winning his match 1up on the 18th.

Cornwall had taken 7 of the 8 singles on offer and this meant an overall result of Cornwall 10 Devon 2. A super performance by the Duchy Boys!

Cornwall U16 Boys Team: Thomas Miller (Newquay), Tiernan Wallwork (Tehidy Park), Joab Atkins (Trethorne ), Alex Dawson (Perranporth), Archie Haynes (Carlyon Bay), Heath Gillespie (Newquay), Jay Dingle and Sam Hanton (both St Enodoc).


Cornwall U-14’s vs Devon U-14’s at St Enodoc

After the recent bad weather Cornwall and Devon Under 14s had a last minute change of venue from St Austell to St Enodoc and instead played their opening Jack Roberts League encounter on the Holywell Course. So a massive thanks to the club for allowing us to play. The course was presented in fantastic condition and the teams were well looked after during the day. The weather when the boys teed off was tough with the breeze getting up to 30-35 mph with rain and wind throughout the morning session.

With 9 holes played in the morning foursomes, it was the St Enodoc pairing of Alfie Chapman and Bobby Godfrey who got Cornwall off to a perfect start winning on the last with a birdie 2 having been 2 up with 3 to play. Next up was the newly formed pairing of Harry Gurd (Perranporth) and Harry Jolliff  (St Enodoc) who played well but unfortunately went down 3&2 to Harry Cann and Braydon Cotton. Harry Faull from St Mellion and Rory Hudson from West Cornwall lost 2&1 so it was down to our youngest pairing of Rory Julian (Falmouth) and Oli Hanton (St Enodoc) both making their under 14 debuts to try and make it 2-2 at lunch. They also lost 4&2 so it was all to play for in the afternoon to get a win in the first Jack Roberts league match of the season with Devon leading 3-1.

After a nice break for lunch and some dry clothes it was Harry Gurd who lead the team out for the 8 singles matches with Cornwall needing 5.5 points to get the win. Harry played great and won 4&2 against Harry Cann from Saunton. Alfie Chapman followed this up with a comprehensive win against Will Mulholland winning 5&4. A spirited comeback from Harry Faull in the 3rd match gaining a half point put Cornwall in a commanding position with 9 holes to play. Bobby Godfrey lost the 4th match 2 down after a great game with Archer Johnson. Harry Jolliff got Cornwall back in the driving seat with a great 3&2 win . Rory Julian in the 7th match was well up and won his game with Cyril Gosling. With Cornwall losing the last match (Oli Hanton) it was all down to Rory Hudson to try and find a win in the 6th match for Cornwall to gain a half point. With Rory up most of the way he eventually went down 3/1 to Braydon Cotton.

It was a great first match of the year and congratulations to Devon winning the match 6.5-5.5 and the boys have taken a lot from it. The squad have had some great coaching sessions
over the winter and come a long way and we look forward to the rest of the year. Bobby Godfrey was captain for the day and thanked St Enodoc Golf Club for their hospitality and
congratulated Devon on a fine win. Next match is against Wiltshire in June where we will be looking to get back on track with a win.

Steve Chapman – Team Manager

Junior Open April 7th cancelled

It is with regret due to Storm Kathleen threatening the safety of both Players and Volunteers that we have decided to cancel tomorrows Junior Open.

We apologise for the late notice.

Easter Monday “Fun” Texas Scramble

Well done to all 21 Juniors of all ages and abilities, that played in this very popular format.

1st  Jay Dingle, Oban Robinson & Jacob Stone

2nd  Kai Dingle, Ben Constable & Annabel Hinsley

3rd  Bobby Godfrey, James Godfrey & Will Godfrey

New Junior Captain

Jack Jolliff takes over as Junior Captain for 2024 and introduces his Vice-Captain, Daisy Lane at the Juniors Presentation Day.



Matthew Warren wins the Barbara Robson Trophy

Club Captain, Caroline Hume -Kendall  presents the Barbara Robson Trophy to Matthew Warren

Congratulations to Matthew Warren, the winner of the Barbara Robson Trophy.
Awarded to the Member with biggest handicap reduction across the whole of the Club.

Cole Rayment & White Cup 2023

Ten teams of three battled it out for this popular Texas scramble competition and the competitiveness was as strong as ever, as we all headed out, hoping to get in before the down pour!

Congratulations to Kevin and Sue Richards and their Grandson Tom Richards, on winning the 2023 CRW Cup.
Presenting the cup to the winning team and his last CRW competition, is our Junior Captain Liam Bateman (far left)

The Godfrey Scratch & Nett Competition

Well done to Kai Dingle for winning the Godfrey Scratch Cup (79 gross) and to Tom Richards for winning the Nett Cup (62 nett) for the second year running.

The standard of golf played and the scores that came in were very impressive considering the greens are very trying at the moment!

Three juniors came in with a gross 79! Kai Dingle, Bobby Godfrey & Alfie Chapman.

Pictured are Meg and Keith Godfrey presenting the cups to the winners.

Results can be viewed by clicking on this link.

Maria Buckley

Junior Organiser

Juniors win the Bolitho Shield

St Enodoc’s Juniors Win the Bolitho Shield, after 36 holes, knocking out Perranporth in the morning and Radnor in the afternoon at Merlin Golf Club.

What a day, what a great fight these boys put on and what a putt. It’s been a long time coming!

(L to R)

Harry Jolliff, Quinn Bateman, Liam Batman, Bobby Godfrey and Alfie Chapman.

Trip Down Memory Lane!

Here’s some history for you, 2008 was the last time St Enodoc Juniors won this and the time before that was 1989, 1994 and 1995.

Who would’ve thought that the parents, above Kristian Godfrey and Steve Chapman who have won this before would now be supporting their children and watching them win and a father and Grandad, Keith Godfrey, has also been involved with the Bolitho Shield a “few” years ago. What great Memories for everyone.

(L to R)

Lee Bateman (Junior Bolitho Team Captain) Alfie Chapman, Harry Jolliff, Quinn Bateman, Bobby Godfrey, Liam Bateman (Jnr Captain) Maria Buckley,(Junior Organiser)

(Back left) Ian Jolliff, Lee Bateman, Liam Bateman, Jack Jolliff, Steve Chapman,

(Front row)Harry Jolliff, Quinn Bateman, Maria Buckley, Bobby Godfrey, Alfie Chapman and Kai Dingle.

Please click the link below for the full report:

Bobby Godfrey wins Launceston Junior Open

Above: Bobby receiving his winnings from the Junior Organiser Julie Brown.

Another winner!Well done To Bobby Godfrey who won at Launceston Golf Club on Friday 1st September in their Open day.Winning with a nett 69 and another handicap cut, now playing off 13.5!

Juniors through to Bolitho Finals

Our Junior Bolitho Team make it to the Finals at Merlin GC on Sunday September 3rd. First tee time 0816.Good luck to Liam Bateman, Harry Jolliff, Bobby Godfrey, Alfie Chapman, Quinn BatemanReserve -Kai Dingle.

Liam Bateman’s Junior Captain’s Day

Leading the way (above) was our Junior Captain, Liam Bateman with Harry Jolliff and Oban Robinson.

Sun 20th August. What a day!
No rain, no wind, sun was out, 27 happy juniors aging from 8 to 18yrs old, competitions on both courses, frisbee throwing on the 15th, drinks and snacks half way round, a putting competition that had adults and juniors scratching their heads, a bbq and Henry on the guitar, it really was a day for us all to remember.
Format: Playing in 3’s with 1 score to count on first 6 holes, 2 scores on the next 6 holes and all 3 on the last six holes.
Nearest the pins on the 8th & 15th and nearest in two on the 4th and 12th.
1st Daisy Lane, Tom Richards and Ben Constable         80 (picture above)
2nd Liam Bateman, Harry Jolliff and Oban Robinson        73
3rd Quinn Bateman, Alfie Chapman and Danté Mackay    70
4th Caspar Collins and Jay Dingle                                        67
5th Kai Dingle, Jack Jolliff and Henry Rutherford               66
Holywell Course –The NCA Goblets.
Format: Individual Stableford
Unfortunately we didn’t have any girls playing this year, so the Goblet for the girls wasn’t won.
Winner of the NCA Boy’s Goblet was Samuel Hinsley(middle) with Liam Bateman (Junior Captain) and Jack Jolliff (Vice Captain) (above)
1st    Samuel Hinsley (41)            46pts
2nd   Will Dingle (23)                     36pts
3rd    Cameron Greenough (20)   35pts
4th    Matthew Warren (29)          32pts
5th    Oli Allen (24)                         29pts
6th   Teo DeBoer (25)                    26pts
7th   Eben Buchanan (44)           26pts
8th   Alfie Brown (40)                   19pts

The Geake Cup

Format:Texas Scramble
Congratulations to Mara Harbour, Annabel Hinsley, Isla Hinsley and Charley Moon who won the Geake Cup.
All making it to the 7th hole, where goodies and drinks were waiting for them.

Last Bolitho for St Enodoc Juniors and one both teams won’t forget!

above l to r: Alfie Chapman, Quinn Bateman, Daisy Lane, Liam Bateman and Bobby Godfrey.

Torrential rain and gale force winds, would be enough to put even the hardiest of golfers off, but unfortunately, our match had to be played!

Taking it all in their stride, these 5 hardy St Enodoc Juniors playing against Tehidy’s, 5 hardy Juniors, all teed off!

Tough tense matches and thinking we’d lost, until Quinn Bateman who had been 5 down after 6 and staring defeat in the face finding himself dormie 4 down, suddenly appeared on the 18th and sinking his putt to halve his match and to give the team a half result overall.

Fantastic comeback and a well deserved half for both teams.

Liam Bateman won 4&3

Alfie Chapman won 8&7

Bobby Godfrey lost 5&4

Daisy lost 2&1

Quinn halved on 18

We now wait for the other Clubs to play their matches to see if we have made the finals!

Cornwall U14’s and U16’s V Somerset at St Austell.

above Cornwall U-16’s vs Somerset: Lee Bateman (Team Manager) far left, Quinn Bateman (2nd from right)

Tense finish for the U16’s competing for the Ben Enoch Trophy!
With a 3-1 win to Cornwall in the morning foursomes then winning the first two singles matches after lunch this put us in a good position.
Losing 4 matches and then winning 1 more match, making the score 6-5 to Cornwall and just one match remaining, Quinn Bateman’s!
With all eyes on this match, the pressure mounting and AS after 16, Quinn held on through to 18 to get a 1/2, giving Cornwall the win 6.5-5.5
Well done to everyone involved.
l to r: St Enodoc Juniors in the Cornwall U-14 team: Sam Hanton, Bobby Godfrey, Alfie Chapman, Harry Jolliff and Tom Richards
Well done to Five of the Eight juniors picked to represent their County, in the U14’s Squad from St Enodoc Juniors.
The U14’s had a tough match and three of the foursomes matches went down to the last but all were lost. The team lost 11-1 in the end but the score was not reflective of the matches.
Well done Boys.
The Bolitho 
St Enodoc v Falmouth (A) Tuesday 15th July.
Unfortunately this one didn’t go our way. All the team tried very hard to beat Falmouth with scores moving up and down at a blink of an eye and to keep our spectators on their toes but losing 3-2.
Well done to you all, let’s win the next one!


Perranporth GC Junior Open Day

l to r: Will Dingle, Kai Dingle and Oban Robinson

St Enodoc Juniors win 1st gross, 1st and 2nd nett and a 2nd place in the stableford competition at Perranporth’s open day.Well done to all our juniors that entered on Thursday 10th August, and in quite difficult conditions.Congratulations to Oban Robinson and Kai Dingle who played the medal round with Oban(17) winning first prize with a nett 66 and second place was Kai (5) with a nett 74.Kai Dingle also won 1st place for the best gross score and also winning the trophy.This was also a Telegraph qualifier.Well done to Will Dingle who played the stableford round and came second.

Cornwall Girls are SW Counties Champions again

Daisy Lane, 2nd left, with the Cornwall U-18 team – 2023 SW Counties Champions. Full results here

Cornwall U-18’s vs Somerset

Kai Dingle and Liam Bateman were picked to play for their County in the Roy Greenaway League at Farrington’s Park Golf Club V Somerset.Although both boys won all their matches the Team lost 9.5- 5.5

Last Kernow Cup for 2023 played at Carlyon Bay GC

above: l to r: Eben Buchanan, Alfie Brown and Will Dingle, and who took on Carlyon Bay‘s juniors in the rain! 
Eben Buchanan, Alfie Brown and Will Dingle, took on Carlyon Bay‘s juniors in the rain on Friday 28th July, and sadly lost 4-1.
Well done to all 3 players and especially Alfie and Eben, who have not long got their official handicaps and completely new to matchplay and this course.Alfie won his match on the 18th and Will Dingle who narrowly missed out heading down the 18th when he halved on the 17th.
Thank you to all the parents who gave their support this year and those juniors that have played in the Kernow Cup.
We haven’t retained the Cup or made it to the finals, but what we have are hopefully some new juniors who have had a go at competitive golf and will play again next year if their handicaps do not drop too low!
Teo De Boer, Alfie Brown, Eben Buchanan, Elysaa Carter, Jasmine Carter, Will Dingle, Sam Hinsley, Eva Newman & Matthew Warren.

St Enodoc’s Junior Bolitho Team beat West Cornwall

Above l to r: Liam Bateman, Harry Jolliff, Bobby Godfrey, Alfie Chapman and Quinn Bateman

St Enodoc’s Junior  Bolitho Team beat  West Cornwall at Home with an amazing 5-0 Win!Great start to the first round of the Bolitho, playing in rain, very strong winds and off the whites.This team were awesome!

Liam Bateman  won  9&8
Quinn Bateman won  7&6
Bobby Godfrey won  4&2
Alfie Chapman  18th  2up
Harry Jolliff        18th  2up

Newquay Junior Open

Above: Alfie Chapman, Kai Dingle and Oli Hanton. Well done to these three who were all in the prizes.
Another Open Day and our Juniors in the prizes again!
Held at Newquay GC on Wednesday 26th July and all coming in slightly wetter than when they started, were Alfie Chapman, Kai, Jay and Will Dingle,  Bobby Godfrey and Oli and  Sam Hanton.
Well done to these three who were all in the prizes.