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Daymer Bay Storm Damage

Spring tides and gale force winds combine to cause havoc at Daymer Bay.

Friday night and Saturday morning of the 24th and 25th March 2023 saw the highest tides of the winter, these coupled with gale force 50 mph winds from the south combined to wreak havoc at Daymer. The swell and high tide ripped out over 120 metres of the fencing which was along the border of Daymer House and the beach; this is exactly next to our own sea defence line behind the 12th tee.

None of our own fencing was damaged and minimal damage was done to the toe of the dune. We will nonetheless be making some small improvements to our fencing in the next week to ensure it’s ongoing integrity and efficiency. With climate change more storms of this nature are certain.

Photograph courtesy of Will Smith Deputy Course Manager.