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Postponement of Contractual Hollow Coring


Postponement of Contractual Hollow Coring


We regret to inform you that the scheduled contractual hollow
coring operation, initially planned for the 13th November
2023, has been cancelled for the safety/well-being of all
involved and the protection of the golf courses. The decision to
cancel this impending operation was not taken lightly and has
been necessitated by the recent weather complications.
Considering the current and future weather conditions and
their potential impact to the courses, we have decided to
postpone the hollow coring to the 29th January 2024. This
postponement will provide us with the best opportunity to
benefit fully from the contractual assistance while ensuring
best practices for the golf courses. We are hopeful that the
weather will be more favourable during the rescheduled
period, allowing us to proceed with the operation smoothly
and efficiently.


Scott Gibson

Course Manager