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CTC 1st Round – A win by the narrowest of margins

St Enodoc win by the finest of margins. 

Sunday 15th October saw the CTC team travel to a well-presented St Austell Golf Club to face defending champions Perranporth in the 1st Rd of this winters Cornwall Team Championship.  

St Enodoc vs Perranporth was always going to be tight, and this was proven in the morning foursomes with every match finishing on the 18th.  First out saw Archer and Bradley in a close match with Perranporth stalwarts Wilson and Kirton ending with a halved match. This was followed by the St Enodoc stalwarts of Chapman and Jolliff in a close battle against Tom Benney & James Ruddick with the Perranporth duo closing out the match 2up. Mike Masters and Joe Combellack were never down in their match vs Marc Wilson and George Law winning 1up. Making their CTC debuts Brandon Armitage & George Tunbridge found themselves 4 down at one point to Simon Knowles and Dean Tulley battling to the 18th they would come up just short finishing 2 down. Ninth man Simon Lord found himself against tough opposition in Tristan Gurd with the latter winning 5&4.  

This left the score 1.5 – 3.25 in favour of Perranporth, with St Enodoc needing five of the available eight singles points to take the match. Needing a fast start St Enodoc would win the first three matches with a 4&3 win for Louis Archer over Wilson. Quickly followed by a 3&2 win for Steve Chapman over Sandy Kirton and a 4&3 win for Lewis Bradley over Tom Benney. Perranporth fought back with wins from James Ruddick and Dean Tulley against Mike Masters and Ian Jolliff. This was followed by Joe Combellack in a close game which George Law edged on the 18th. Needing the last two games for the match our two debutants delivered with Brandon Armitage closing out his match 2&1 vs Knowles. George Tunbridge playing some great golf found himself 2 up, keeping all in attendance on the edge of their seats slotted away the tough 4-footer on 17 to win the match for St Enodoc.  


Louis Archer beat Connor Wilson 4&3 

Steve Chapman beat Sandy Kirton 3&2 

Lewis Bradley beat Tom Benney 4&3  

Mike Masters lost to James Ruddick – 6&5  

Joe Combellack lost to George Law – 1 down  

Ian Jolliff lost to Dean Tulley 5&4  

Brandon Armitage beat Simon Knowles 2&1 

George Tunbridge beat Marc Wilson  2&1 

We would like to thank all the caddies and spectators who came out to support the team and look forward to the next match on the 19th of November vs Newquay Golf Club.